This article is related to my critical invstigation, as it shows how video games affect children and seemingly enduce violent behaviour. As well as this , the article includes studies by professionals into video games and thier psychological affects.
Violent games 'affect behaviour'- BBC news article
Within the article, experts have concluded from previous research that
"... people who play such games are more likely to be aggressive". Though this fact is heavily debated, with many people disputing that the study into violent video game effects on children's, "shows violent people gravitate towards violence...".
Though the article is supported with research conducted by professionals. Scientists from the University of Missouri-Columbia studied in the New Scientist magazine on brain activity of 39 game players. The experiment carried out by these scientists involved measuring a type of brain activity called the P300 response which reflects the emotional impact of an image.
Their finding produced a link, in that the exposure to violence led to aggression.
As well as scientists, leading figures in the study of media, such as Professor David Buckingham, of the Institute of Education , have responded to the relation to video games and violence.
"The truth is there are many factors that can lead to violence, such as being withdrawn and isolated, so it is hard to say it is because of one thing". Therefore, the article also looks at the other factors of video games and violent behaviour.
The article looks closely at the psychological effects of video games and how they affect brain performance and behaviour. Experiments into violent video game images and disturbing images were carried out in order to gather the audience's response.
When shown images of real-life violence, people who played violent video games were found to have a diminished response.
However, when the same group were shown other disturbing images such as dead animals or ill children they had a much more natural response.
When the game players were given the opportunity to punish a pretend opponent those with the greatest reduction in P300 meted out the severest punishments.
On a positive note, the article refers to experts in the field of psychology, and the fact that experiments into how the brain responds to video games shows whether or not children or ordinary people's behaviour is affected by playing violent video games.
Psychologist Bruce Bartholow, the lead researcher of the study said: "As far as I'm aware, this is the first study to show that exposure to violent games has effects on the brain that predict aggressive behaviour.
"People who play a lot of violent video games didn't see them as much different from neutral. "They become desensitised. However, their responses are still normal for the non-violent negative scenes." In many ways, the audience seem to be cathartic and desensitized from playing video games, as the games are intentionally played as a means of escapism.
The findings will back up what many have argued over recent years with the growth in games with scenes of graphic violence. The article refers to how the constant release of video games and marketing seem to increase sales in violent video games, making people more violent. Though, the constant exposure to violent images, to some extent does result in desensitisation, as the players seem to have scopophilic pleasures in watching violence, yet are not prepared to be violent.
But some experts still remain unconvinced of a link.
Jonathan Freedman, a psychologist from the University of Toronto in Canada, said: "All we are really getting is desensitisation to images. There's no way to show that this relates to real-life aggression."
And Professor David Buckingham, an expert on the media and children at the Institute of Education, added "there was still no consensus on whether violent games caused aggressive behaviour or were just played by violent people."
"The debate we are seeing is very similar to the one that has raged for years about TV. The truth is there are many factors that can lead to violence, such as being withdrawn and isolated, so it is hard to say it is because of one thing.
"In the absence of any proof, I think we have to be agnostic about it. However, I think there is an argument about the morality of some games.
"Some actually encourage amoral behaviour to win the game and I think parents should be talking to their children to make sure they realise this is a joke. Children are generally good at telling fantasy from reality, but parents should be discussing this."
The response from Professor David Buckingham signifies how the idea of morality influences whether players become aggressive or not. By blaming one thing is insufficient, as underlying factors or possibly psychological factors are the reason why video games result in violent behaviour.
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